
carwithbumpestickersgalore nakedfagandfriend-2 img_0024 dancer-camelot-es 4-girls-in-a-row img_4070 picture-016 4-of-ur-in-pjs maries-cottage-ocean-city-md ladies in front of Vitellos-colorful IMG_0716 IMG_8625 feral cats CSUN6 IMG_8562 [000015] IMG_9501_edited-1 IMG_4501 IMG_0057 IMG_6357 walking dogs in the rain IMG_4757 IMG_6640 IMG_6756 IMG_6512 IMG_5956 IMG_5970 IMG_6006 IMG_7267 IMG_7897 IMG_6169 IMG_2541 IMG_3109 IMG_3321 IMG_3526 IMG_3893 two little boys atlanta airport IMG_6033 IMG_9667 homeless underpass fingerr IMG_1552r IMG_2171 IMG_4547 IMG_2310 IMG_1005 IMG_1235r IMG_1643r IMG_3356 IMG_5224 IMG_5830 IMG_7042


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Best Trivia - Construction


Favorite Trivia – CONSTRUCTION


“Three engineering students are discussing what sort of God must have designed the human body.  The first says, ‘God must be a mechanical engineer.  Look at all the joints.’  

The second says, ‘I think God must be an electrical engineer.  The nervous system has thousands of electrical connections.’  

The third says, ‘Actually, God is a civil engineer.  Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?'”  

Plato and a Platypus Walk Into A Bar…Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes – Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein

The most important consideration in construction change order negotiations: “Did you get the benefit?” 

Construction Nightmares: Jobs from Hell and How to Avoid Them – Arthur F. O’Leary & James Acret

“… I was fascinated by the way the Japanese use space in their lives, and by these doors that slide and move quietly along invisible rails, refusing to offend space.  For when we push open a door, we transform a place in a very insidious way. We offend its full extension, and introduce a disruptive and poorly proportioned obstacle.  If you think about it carefully, there is nothing uglier than an open door. An open door introduces a break in the room, a sort of provincial interference, destroying the unity of space. In the adjoining room it creates a depression, an absolutely pointless gaping hole adrift in a section of wall that would have preferred to remain whole.  In either case a door disrupts continuity, without offering anything in exchange other than freedom of movement, which could easily be ensured by another means. Sliding doors avoid such pitfalls and enhance space. Without affecting the balance of the room, they allow it to be transformed. When a sliding door is open, two areas communicate without offending each other.  When it is closed, each regains its integrity. Sharing and reunion can occur without intrusion. Life becomes a quiet stroll—where our life in the homes we have, seems like nothing so much as a long series of intrusions.

Reneé (Elegance of the Hedgehog – Muriel Barbery)

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